How Many People Around the World Suffer From Depression? Data and Information

How Many People Around the World Suffer From Depression? Data and Information

Written by levis, In Health, Published On
January 6, 2024

A major mental ailment that impacts millions of individuals worldwide is depression. While anyone can be affected by depression, certain areas and demographics are more likely to experience the illness than others. We may be able to learn more about this mental health condition and its prevention and treatment strategies by looking into these demographic shifts.

This page will provide a general overview of the effects of depressive illnesses in addition to statistics on depression by age, sex, and region.

A Synopsis Of Depression

Depression is a severe mental illness that is typified by depressive symptoms, exhaustion, motivation deficits, and impairments to an individual’s functioning. Seasonal affective disorder, persistent depressive disorder, and major depressive disorder are among the depressive disorders that fall under the umbrella of depression.

Depression’s aetiology is unknown. However, it is generally accepted to result from a confluence of biological, psychological, and environmental variables, as well as heredity. They are also available to help you with medication management. It is best to consult a mental health professional before matters spiral out of control.

After a loved one passes away or a relationship ends, people may go through brief bouts of depression, but these are usually transient. But depression can also be chronic, in which case a treatment plan—which usually entails both counselling and medication—may be necessary to manage the condition.

Major depressive disorder, also referred to as clinical depression, is characterized by a depressive mood that lasts for the majority of the day and at least two weeks. A person with major depressive disorder may find it difficult to go about their everyday activities normally. A person may receive a persistent depressive disorder diagnosis if their symptoms persist for more than two years.

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Furthermore, depression can sometimes be incidental. For example, post-partum depression may develop after giving birth (or after a partner or adoptive parents welcome a new kid), and seasonal affective disorder may manifest itself during a certain season, typically the winter and fall.

People are also affected differently by depression. Different people experience different symptoms. Although there are basic signs and symptoms of depression, the illness can manifest itself in a variety of ways.

There’s a chance that biological variations between people of different sexes contribute to the discrepancy. Hormonal changes, which can occur during adolescence and, in women, during pregnancy and menopause, are considered to be one of the primary causes of sadness.

Adolescent women typically experience more mood swings, including depression, starting in puberty. Significant variations in hormone levels, along with academic demands and rising levels of social stress, could be the main causes.

Research indicates that almost one in three college students suffers from depression or an anxiety disorder, making depression a serious problem for students in higher education. Research on college students also reveals that anxiety and depression are among the biggest obstacles to academic success, which can result in additional stress and mental health issues.

Many variables can influence whether depression is present and how severe it is at different ages. For instance, there can be significant environmental differences between age groups. A thirty-something may suffer from depression as a result of work-related stress, but a teen may experience depression as a result of social alienation or loneliness.

Additionally, biological variables may raise the risk of depression at certain life stages. Due to physical health issues, an individual in their latter years may be more susceptible to depression, while adolescents may be more susceptible to hormonal fluctuations.

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It’s crucial to remember that certain statistics can have altered since then. Depression prevalence might differ by area, age group, and other demographic characteristics. The prevalence of depression can vary greatly between nations and areas. These differences are influenced by socioeconomic status, cultural perceptions of mental health, and accessibility to medical care.

All ages and genders can be affected by depression, though prevalence rates might vary. Depression is generally more common in women than in males. Furthermore, depression can also be prevalent among young adults and adolescents. One of the main causes of disability in the world is depression. It has an impact on a person’s capacity to carry out daily tasks and may cause serious impairments in relationships, employment, and general well-being.


For the most recent and region-specific information on the prevalence of depression, it’s crucial to examine more recent and specific sources, such as the World Health Organization, national health authorities, or respectable research organizations. As new research is done and knowledge and understanding of mental health concerns continue to grow, mental health statistics are subject to revision.

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